Website Design
For us, a website is a necessary tool for nearly every business and organization. An effective, beautiful website is a game changer. We design top-notch responsive sites with care given to everything from information architecture to content, color to typography.

Web Application Development
Let's talk user experience. We create high, stable and robust web applications that runs your business. Web applications that can run both online and offline. We will work with you to design a web application that is intuitive and effortless for users.

Domain Name Registration & Web Hosting
The pride of registering a domain name is essential to a thriving business willing to protect its identity online. Your business also has the opportunity to customise an create domain based e-mail addresses and web sites. With a guarateed server up-time of 99.9%; you will be part of the online fraternity.

Search Engine Optimisation
How will people find your website? Leave that to us because SEO is not magic. We code your website carefully and make sure it is built to be indexed by search engines. Structuring your site to be found by your target users is a key aspect of our goal for you.

Networking Essentials
We undertake both Local (LAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN). We can support you:

  • Share your Internet connection
  • Go Wireless and Unplug your Laptop
  • Secure Your Network from Hackers
  • Share a printer
  • Add or Move a Computer to Your Network

ICT Consultancy
Consultancy can simply be about gaining value on the purchase of new hardware or software, developing an Internet strategy, choosing new suppliers or recruiting staff. Our IT consultants can also provide valuable help when more than one IT supplier seem to be giving conflicting information and an independent viewpoint is required.